A simple scan of today’s headlines reveals the following:
A new survey of registered voters claims 53% of respondents think there is an agenda of ‘big government socialism.’
Twelve American cities broke their annual homicide records this year.
In Europe, the attempt to restrict words like “Christian” and “Christmas” is described as dictatorship-like.
There’s a crisis of failure to know civics and history. But you already know that. Let’s dig a little deeper.
History shows us that social-ism (misspelling intentional) is an agenda that entices people groups with promises that historically yield a track record of failure. How are entire populations won over? They do it with promises of free things and fairness from a “new and improved government” led by someone “smarter” than you. Ask yourself these questions:
Who is in charge of a social-list government? Have you ever studied what type of people lead these governments? Ever heard of Lenin, Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, Hugo Chavez, Castro, or Hitler? (Some of my students have never heard of them).
How can everyone receive the same free things with the same quality over time when production is managed by a central (not local) entity?
What input will you have regarding the free things you receive?
Who will decide where you live, what vehicle you will drive (if any), what foods you will eat, and what job the central government will give you?
Wanting a centralized government to replace the role that family has in your life gives the false idea that dictators care about you. Let me ask you… who cares the most about you? Who knows your needs best? Social-ism breaks down family, friendships, and religious association over time. Could that be why the crime rate increases in a social-ist society?
Our Founding Fathers never supposed themselves to be smarter than you, the citizen. In fact, they raised your citizenship role to be the leaders in a government of, by, and for the people. They believed you could decide what is best for yourselves and your family. They understood that the production of goods and services worked best when you choose where you will live, what vocation you will pursue, how you will care for your family, and when you are free to pursue your happiness (for example, your property). They knew from experience that someone who doesn’t know you shouldn’t be in charge of your daily existence. Instead, our Founders acknowledged the presence of the Creator God. Certain unalienable rights come from Him.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
If God gives you your rights, can human governments take them away from you?
“…That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..”
What is the government’s purpose as outlined in our Declaration of Independence? Where does government get its power? So, then, who is in charge of your daily existence?
When you surrender your rights to the government in exchange for a presumably easier, softer life, how do you think that will work out? How has it worked out for every nation that has tried it? What makes dictators believe they will be “the ones” to make the world right this time?
What rights are you willing to surrender for “promises” of safety, security, free things, and fairness?
Which government offers a better future? One designed by our flawed Founders?
Or a government designed by today’s flawed politicians, press, and professors?
Think about this. Our future depends on it.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. 🇺🇸