Our young people (and many adults) fall for socialism because they haven’t been taught to think for themselves. They naively believe the government will be an annual daddy that will provide for them. They never have to grow up to be discerning, responsible adults. Instead, they adopt groupthink and surrender to the very authoritarian power that young people despise.
What They Believe About Socialism
How do we combat this thinking that permeates American society? Know what they believe about socialist ideology:
-Personal liberation to do as you please (“Love your neighbor as you love yourself” is nowhere to be found in this socialism “liberation.”
-Freedom from the “oppressors” (There are always authorities above you in life; leftist oppressors are the worst kind).
-Social transformation (In other words, defining deviancy down, as in “criminals go free and victims pay; moral laxity, as in honoring any and all sexual proclivities as normal).
-Replace faith, family, freedom, and free markets with secular theology and leftist economics (“you will own nothing and like it”).
-Redefine men and women (translation: weaken manhood and erase womanhood)
-Change the meaning of words; you will adopt the new vocabulary, which makes them feel superior -or suffer the consequences.
-Adopt an ever-changing bar that moves so you will be able to be controlled and have to strive to fit in.
-Foster a grievance society where there is always something to be upset about (Our young people have no idea what a real grievance is, so they fall prey to manufactured grievances.
-Entitlement (The government promises to meet all your needs. But if the government giveth, the government can taketh away).
-Identity politics for thee but not for me (Divide and conquer the people but make them feel good about it. All the while, the motive is to control them).
-No grades, no competition, no real body of knowledge to study (masquerading as “Easy Street” but, in reality, is an academically bereft society that can be controlled).
What You Can Do
What are some action steps that freedom-loving Americans can take to refute socialism?
As we’ve talked about before, upgrade your behavior and actions. Don’t settle for the lowest common denominator of conduct, dress, and cultural values. Leave behind the empty, vapid conversation and replace it with interesting topics. Yes, it starts with one person and radiates outward. Young people are still impressionable and searching. These rebels can still add 2+2 and get 4. You can help them get the correct answer not by arguing but by your outward actions and inward changes.
Next, display a copy of the Constitution prominently. Crack open some moral literature or classics. Develop yourself. It’s hard to deny a person working to better their life.
Never apologize for being a flag-waving American who loves their country. Don’t back down or back away from what you know to be right. The devil is in the details, so pay attention. Pay the bills promptly, get healthy, take out the trash, and mow the grass. Be a person of your word.
Don’t adopt their language when you debate a topic. Remember: action, not anger. Initiate history discussions. The only history they know is one of oppression, victimhood, and how a new breed of socialists will make everything right this time. Find examples of modern-day men and women who are self-starters, not takers. Note the many military generals, musicians, medical professionals, pilots, parents, laborers, etc., who have made the nation and the world a better place. Find those who believed they could make a worthwhile life and did.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. 🇺🇸
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