Thank you for returning to Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. I’m writing this from the Ryder Cup, a championship golf event involving the best of the best golfers from the United States and the European Union. What a great thing to see Americans being proud to be Americans, i.e., a sea of red, white, and blue apparel, flag waving, and chants of “USA”! We received notice that masks were to be worn inside and outside. Not one mask was being worn outside because the sun was brilliantly shining, spacing was available to those who chose to do so, and because there was a sense of caution and awareness, not fear. It had nothing to do with rich vs poor or any political bent at all. Americans being Americans, united in cheering for their country and enjoying their citizenship. Freedom. I love it. Speaking of freedom, in today’s newsletter, we are discussing the job situation as well as our first article called “Wish I’d Said That!” Let’s begin:
Ever think to yourself, “Wish I’d said that!” Maybe it’s something clever or a new angle to consider, but all in all, it makes sense to you. It’s common sense. When this happens, sometimes I am able to write down these wise words. But, by the time I get them scribbled on the nearest piece of paper, I fail to write down who said it. I keep the scraps of paper to go back and reflect on their words. Suffice it to say, just when you think the whole world has gone mad, here are some pearls of wisdom that Americans have shared out loud.
“If someone tells you it’s your civic duty to pay taxes, remind them that our Founders never wrote a taxation amendment.” (Originally, our Constitution did not provide for an income tax on individuals, only corporations).
“After a war, government grows bigger. Taxes increase. YOU end up paying for the war.”
“If you have lived to be 64, you have been alive for one-quarter of the existence of the United States of America.”
“If the government subsidizes the press (from your taxes), you will have a state-run media. Anyone remember Tass or Pravda?” (That’s quite a statement).
“What is your definition of liberty?” (A person’s definition of liberty tells you a lot about the person).
“The United States is a free speech zone.”
(According to the First Amendment, Congress cannot abridge the freedom of speech. However, the United States has laws against certain types of speech that are not covered under the First Amendment, such as:
Fighting words
Defamation (i.e., slander and libel)
Child pornography
Inciting lawlessness
Real threats
Solicitation to commit crimes
“Term limits? We already have term limits every 2, 4, and 6 years.”
“Americans are tied to each other by values, not ethnicity.” (Think of what our country would be like if this sentiment were in operation today).
What are some common sense thoughts that you have heard and have caused you to ponder?
Also, if you recognize one of the above quotes, please let us know who said it!
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸