As we bid farewell to 2022, many people are glad to see the year go. Are you? Usually, I like to recap the year in my mind’s eye, but not this time. It’s the first time it’s both painful to look back and scary to look forward, or so I’m told. Wait. Where did I get those ideas? Instead of borrowing the news media’s script, why not write my own script for the new year?
Woke or Awake?
I’ve been told in 2022 that woke is best, but I’m wide awake and see things differently. Who says woke is the way to go? Our Founders weren’t woke. Neither were my parents and teachers. Somehow I learned that all debts are paid by someone. My debts are my responsibility. Not paying debts is theft. I learned that crime is criminal and courage to do the right thing comes from within. When I gave natural childbirth to three babies, I figured out that the birds and the bees were a thing and that I am a woman and a mother. I write my own script.
Lies or Truth?
Similarly, this year it has become fashionable to parade obvious and provable lies as the truth. I know the truth when it hits me upside the head. When the world around me peddles evil and good and good as evil, I don’t need to get whacked with a 2′ x 4′ to recognize “the devil’s workshop.” Our Founders were right about natural law.
Facts or Feelings?
Moreover, I’m told who I have to like and dislike. If I go “off script,” I will be called names, canceled, and worse. Whatever happened to “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me?” At five years old, I made a motocross move with my bike, flying momentarily through the air and landing on a dirt surface with a huge rock buried underneath, cracking my right collarbone. Guess what. It eventually healed. Today I’m told that hurt feelings are primary, and facts are secondary. I learned in church long ago that forgiveness heals, starting from within, just like my collarbone.
You and I see what’s in front of us. We can discern truth from error with God’s help. We know what “is” is. You and I can write our own stories, chart our own paths, teach the next generation, and rely on conscience and good old common sense. Don’t let someone tell you that up is down and down is up. That’s gaslighting. Carry the torch of truth, justice, and liberty into 2023. Write your own script.
Happy New Year!
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸
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