“What we believe is how we behave.” Is that true? How will you behave if you embrace the trending cultural shift? Are These Statements True? Many Americans are being taught to believe : – We are not created equal, that group identity is important, but some groups are more important than others., – Our rights […]
Is This The Way to Choose a Presidential Candidate?
Are presidential candidates basically activist influencers? Moreover, would you go to Tic Tac [misspelling intentional] to find your ideal presidential candidate? This idea was posed to me by a thirty-something guy whose job is— wait for it— social media. I think if you are young, this may look like the future, that is, choosing your […]
Consistency Is Key In Being American
I am humbled and truly impressed that our Founders understood the need to tolerate each other’s differences but united on a common goal: to build the United States of America on sound principles that work when practiced with consistency. As an illustration, have you ever heard of a 3 yr old’s basketball team? I went […]
From the Mailbox
Well, not exactly the mailbox… I received a phone call over the weekend from a loved one, who asked a compelling question. “Why do you believe what you believe? I just don’t understand someone like you. How could you think like this?” (names my beliefs that are in question) How would you answer someone if […]
Simple Civics 101- Special Interest Groups
Simple Civics 101- Special Interest Groups Special Interest Groups often get a bad rap. Let’s learn about them-who they are, what they do, and why they exist. Special Interest Groups are composed of like-minded people seeking to advocate for their cause, educate the public, and influence public policy. They work through the political process to […]