Would you agree that most Americans want to:
Solve their own problems?
Think for themselves?
Live freely?
I think Americans want to be left alone to live our lives, decide on issues, solve our problems, and engage with the public in meaningful ways.
I don’t see evidence that grown-ups in this country want to be told what to think or that our view on the issues needs “re-education.” People, at times, may require a hand-up, but it’s not in our DNA to live on handouts. We never grow up if we depend on others to prop us up. Instinctively, we know that. We want to function independently and contribute to society, not always looking to be “rescued.”
Who wants to be told who, where, and how to associate with other people? Or how to socialize with them? Or have our every word screened and scrutinized? I was given one of these scoldings recently, constantly being corrected and placing motives on me that are not now or ever intended.
Remember when being judgmental was socially unacceptable? Now, that same group sits in judgment for every word we say. This is in direct conflict with their mantra just five years ago.
If we want to mature, live our lives in peace, think for ourselves, speak openly, and choose our associations, we need to v0te for people who believe in individualism, not groupthink. So much of how we can live our lives depends on the government We the People choose.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸
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