Welcome back to Common Sense Civics and Citizenship! We are considering our American Independence this week by thinking of all the reasons we have to celebrate it- yes, even now. Following the first article is a piece that addresses our need for more and better civics education. Let’s begin:
Happy Independence Day! Well, it is for me and many others, but for some? Not so much. I saw pictures of posts on other social media suggesting burying the Constitution, the American flag, and the July 4th holiday, all because “we are not a place of progress or celebration when human rights are taken away.” I’m frankly astounded by this pretzel logic.
Let’s counteract this thinking with reasons to celebrate July 4, even if pyrotechnics are in short supply this year. Even if food is expen$ive. Even if gas prices are blowing the lid off the gas tank.
Here we go. We celebrate because:
-We can vocalize our dissent. We are not functional robots of the state.
-We have a Constitution that is the greatest in the world because it limits government and defines it, giving We the People the power.
-We have Armed Forces that choose to protect us, not a conscripted service by force.
-We do not have labor camps among us with loved ones taken from us at the will of influential people.
-We can choose the job we want. We can expand our earnings potential.
-We can travel across state lines, unlike former East Germany.
-We can vote.
– We can develop, build, improvise, and create new things.
-We remain an adventurous people in the spirit of our forefathers.
-We can raise our children and educate them as we see fit.
-We can choose to do good and not be forced by the state at gunpoint to do evil.
-We can honor the flag, sing patriotic songs, and attend parades by choice.
-We can worship freely.
-We live on the foundation that our Founders laid for us through their blood and treasure: our rights are granted to us by God, not the government. The right to life, liberty, and property are unalienable.
-We the People “right the ship” when it veers off-course. We see that happening even now.
So many reasons to celebrate! Enjoy! Happy Independence Day!
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. 🇺🇸