Do you have a favorite quote or remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King? I have several, one being Amos 5:24, which is in the photo that accompanies this post. I recall the peaceful protests that Dr. King led. His mission in life became the headlines on the nightly news. His pastoral demeanor, his resolute posture, […]
Is It Too Late?
How is it possible to defend criminal behavior in a first world country like ours? I was engaged in conversation with a friend who spoke of her inner struggle to answer that question. She defended criminal behavior in our major cities by trying to understand the criminals’ minds. Hasn’t our government tried empathy, programs, understanding, […]
Cultural Values and the American Dream
Do Americans still want the American Dream? Do Americans still believe if we take responsibility for our lives and work hard, we will obtain individual freedom and achieve our personal goals? Do Americans even want to work hard? Or do they want a nanny state to take care of them? These questions are rolling around […]